
PowerAG products provide nutrients that are essential for fruit set and quality.

From a backyard hobby to a commercial vineyard, the goals are the same. Growers want to produce a high-quality fruit with a good sugar content from healthy, happy vines. Calcium, Magnesium, Boron, Iron, and Zinc are some of the nutrients that need to be kept in balance for optimal quality and yields.


Calcium is essential for new shoot and leaf development, and it helps to strengthen fruit skins. Magnesium and Iron are essential elements that enhance the photosynthesis process, which increases sugar production. Boron and Zinc help with the development of pollen, assist with cell division at the growing point of the plant, and are essential for fruit set.


PowerAG has a wide range of products that can help to balance the nutrient requirements in a vineyard.

Recommended Nutrient Program for Grapes

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PowerAG Products for Use on Grapes

PowerAG products for use on grapes are organized by type. Select a product to see more detailed information.



Slow-Release Nitrogen


Tank Cleaner

Wildlife Deterrent