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Streamline: An Effective Method for Minimizing Drift
Working with Streamline has given me more hours in the day to get the job done. Without it, I would be sitting there waiting for the wind to die down.
Pepper Spray: A Hardworking Defense Against Wildlife Browsing
After using Pepper Spray on my soybean fields I was able to see for myself how well it worked. I watched as a deer made its way onto the field and after trying several different spots, she shook her head and ran back into the woods!
Since using PowerAG products on my barley I have noticed increased stand-ability, denser root balls, and longer heads. The average weight ticket yield was 110 bushels/acre. I have never had that kind of success before!
Corn: Even Ears And Strong Standability
After purchasing my farm, I faced compacted, nutrient-depleted, red clay soil, but the past two years use of PowerAG products has produced results. The micronutrient uptake has changed dramatically. We’re achieving larger root mass, strong standability, even ears, nice girth, and higher bushels per acre.
Alfalfa: Improving Tonnage Results +16.4% Tons/Acre
We have used AlphaPower MP and BorPower 5–7 days after each harvest and achieved significant results. PowerAG test plots using AlphaPower MP and BorPower delivered an average increase per cutting of 16.4% tons/acre.
Soybeans: Healthier Plants and Good Pod Set
With PowerAG we’ve been able to put early roots on the beans, get good pod set and advanced maturity. We like to get our beans in the ground early and then get them off before the first frost.
Corn: Achieving Important Yield Increases
We have definitely increased root mass and plant health, which were two of the main goals we were looking to achieve this season.
Soybeans: Increased Potash for POD Set and POD Fill
At flowering we used HarvestPower with M-Power, and the beans really took off!” The combination of these products have been producing stronger roots, faster pod set and pod fill.
We grow a wide variety of crops. Simply put—Streamline works!
Streamline: Successful Drift Reduction
We grow a wide variety of crops. Simply put—Streamline works! Over the years, I have tried various drift management agents with limited success. When facing adverse/breezy conditions, I couple Streamline with air induction nozzles and calibrate my sprayer to 15 psi. I’ve had great success with this combination.
We blend N-Ergize with urea in our facility at 3 qt/ton.
N-Ergize:Even Distribution on Urea
We blend N-Ergize with urea in our facility at 3 qt/ton. Within a few minutes, the N-Ergize treated urea is dry enough to load into our spreaders. Our farmers like N-Ergize’s blue color—it shows the product’s even distribution and how well the prills are penetrated. N-Ergize also mixes well with our UAN and Sulfur solutions.
I’ve been using AlphaPower MP on my alfalfa after each cutting for 3-4 years...
Alphapower MP:Increased Alfalfa Tonnage
I’ve been using AlphaPower MP on my alfalfa after each cutting for 3-4 years and have noticed a remarkable increase in tonnage. Our harvests now meet our needs, and we no longer need to buy any supplemental feed for our dairy.
For two years, I’ve used PowerAG products to foliar feed my conventional soybeans.
Soybeans:Nutrients Enhanced the Productivity
For two years, I’ve used PowerAG products to foliar feed my conventional soybeans. Timely applications of PK Power, BorPower, and M-Power have produced significant results. My 2018 soybean crop averaged an increase of 20 bushels/acre over previous years. Enhanced productivity more than paid for all nutrient applications plus generated additional revenue per acre. The 2019 harvest season has not yet started, but the initial crop surveys show there will again be higher than average yields over past years. I am delighted with these results and will continue using PowerAG products, and plan to expand their use to my other crops next year.
BorPower is vital to help with Boron deficiencies.
Fruiting Vegetables: Pushing Yield and Weight
BorPower is vital to help with Boron deficiencies. We use it in Cole Crops, Tomatoes, Peppers, Eggplants, and more. We apply SulfurPower as a foliar supplement to tomatoes, onions, and grain corn when needed, and has been very effective. PK Power is a great product at bloom for Potash supplement to push yield and weight and add strength to the crop to help withstand Mother Nature’s habits.
We were surprised and happy with the results.
AlphaPower MP and BorPower: Tonnage Was Outstanding
We tried the combination of AlphaPower MP and BorPower for the first time this year on our alfalfa. We sprayed our first application at green-up. The first cutting was heavier and healthier than expected, given the cold, wet weather we had. The summer turned hot and dry. The hay was not tall, but we noticed more undergrowth after scouting, which resulted in fine stemmed excellent quality hay, not to mention our tonnage was outstanding. We were surprised and happy with the results from just 2 qt/acre of AlphaPower MP and 1 pt/acre of BorPower.
MegaPower MP has helped us move to the next level in yield and profitability.
MegaPower MP: Pleased with Uniform Emergence
We love growing corn! Healthy plants and even emergence are essential in helping us to drive higher yields. This spring, we tried MegaPower MP and were pleased with the uniform emergence and stand establishment. During the hot, dry summer, our corn did not curl as soon as other corn, and it kept its dark green color all season long. We believe MegaPower MP has helped us move to the next level in yield and profitability.
We used BorPower on our pear orchard and it produced real results!
BorPower: Cleared Up Deficiency
We used BorPower on our pear orchard and it produced real results! We struggled with Boron deficiencies that caused fruit to crack early in the season. Two applications of BorPower completely cleared up this problem.
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