Magnesium Deficiency in Grapes

Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency in Grapes

Magnesium is a mobile nutrient in plants. Deficiencies appear first on older leaves as yellowing or interveinal chlorosis. Increased severity of the deficiency can cause the symptoms to appear on younger leaf tissue with the development of necrotic symptoms when the deficiency is acute. Leaves may become brittle or thin and cup or curve upwards. Tips of leaves may become reddish-purple in cases of severe deficiency.

Iron Deficiency in Grapes

Magnesium Deficiency: Chlorosis spreads throughout the leaves

See Additional Deficiencies:

About Magnesium

Magnesium activates more enzyme systems than any other nutrient and serves as a component of chlorophyll. Magnesium availability is often related to soil pH as its supply to plants decreases in both low and high pH soils. Although soils supply varying amounts of Magnesium naturally, soil reserves are depleted in many areas because of continued cropping without Magnesium-containing fertilizers or dolomitic limestone.

Functions of Magnesium

  • Enzyme activator
  • Chlorophyll synthesis
  • Aids in seed germination
  • Aids in the use of Phosphorus

Magnesium Deficiency is Made Worse By:

  • Very acidic conditions
  • High Potassium or Calcium

Improve Your Crops’ Health & Yield

Get product advice from our agronomy experts to help turn your crop deficiencies around. Call 800.842.2578 or contact us to set up a consultation.