Pepper Spray: Reduce Wildlife Browsing
Pepper Spray is a potent combination of garlic and white pepper. Apply Pepper Spray prior to or at the earliest onset of animal browsing or feeding. Repetitive applications may be necessary to maintain effectiveness after rainfall or as new growth occurs.
Use Rates
- 1–2 pt/acre. If applying Pepper Spray alone with a fungicide or insecticide, an extender/sticker is recommended to give it longer-lasting effect. If tank-mixing with herbicides, do not add an extender/sticker, but add only a surfactant or water conditioner as an adjuvant. 10–15 gallons of water is the optimum amount of carrier per acre.
Not for Sale in Alabama.
Pepper Spray: A Hardworking Defense Against Wildlife Browsing
After using Pepper Spray on my soybean fields I was able to see for myself how well it worked. I watched as a deer made its way onto the field and after trying several different spots, she shook her head and ran back into the woods!