HarvestPower MP: Promote Natural Growth and Fruiting
HarvestPower MP can be used on corn, soybeans, alfalfa, cereal grains, and vegetables. It has a high rate of potash, plus other macro and micronutrients, organic acids, and vegetal protein hydrolysates. HarvestPower MP also consists of a dormant spore-based liquid that provides beneficial secretions to soil bacteria.
Common Questions About HarvestPower MP
What is the best timing to use Harvest Power MP? Should I apply it with the cleanup herbicide pass, or will I get more benefits applying it at R1-R3?
HarvestPower MP has Manganese in it to help metabolize glyphosate applications, and also has enough boron to help reduce flower abortion during the vegetative stages of growth. The benefits of a R1-R3 application come from the addition of potassium during peak nutrient uptake needs in the early reproductive stages of grain fill.
Use Rates
- Alfalfa: 1.5 qt/acre within 1 week after each cutting
- Corn: 1.5 qt/acre at V4 to VT
- Soybeans: 1.5 qt/acre at V3 to R3
- Cereal Grains: 1.5 qt/acre at stage 2 to stage 8
- Fruiting and Leafy Vegetables: 1.5 qt/acre as part of a regular spray program
- 1.5 qt/acre with a minimum of 2 gallons of carrier per acre
Soybeans: Healthier Plants and Good Pod Set
With PowerAG we’ve been able to put early roots on the beans, get good pod set and advanced maturity. We like to get our beans in the ground early and then get them off before the first frost.
Soybeans: Increased Potash for POD Set and POD Fill
At flowering we used HarvestPower with M-Power, and the beans really took off!” The combination of these products have been producing stronger roots, faster pod set and pod fill.