
M-Power: A Biomass Extract

M-Power is a dormant spore-based liquid that provides beneficial secretions to soil bacteria. These spores are extracted from useful, naturally occurring microbes. M-Power is complementary and compatible with herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and liquid and dry fertilizers. M-Power can be used on any crop and on irrigated or dry land. For best results apply M-Power at pre-planting or planting followed by a foliar application.

Contact Your PowerAg Agronomist

Use Rates


  • Broadcast: 1 pt/acre
  • In-furrow: 1 pt/acre
  • Foliar: 1 pt/acre


  • 1 qt/acre or 1 oz/1000 square feet


Since using PowerAG products on my barley I have noticed increased stand-ability, denser root balls, and longer heads. The average weight ticket yield was 110 bushels/acre. I have never had that kind of success before!

Corn: Even Ears And Strong Standability 

After purchasing my farm, I faced compacted, nutrient-depleted, red clay soil, but the past two years use of PowerAG products has produced results. The micronutrient uptake has changed dramatically. We’re achieving larger root mass, strong standability, even ears, nice girth, and higher bushels per acre.

Corn: Overcoming Compacted Soil to Lift Yield 

Even with compacted soil in an old railroad grade, M-Power’s ability to put early roots on my corn has really impressed me.

Soybeans: Healthier Plants and Good Pod Set 

With PowerAG we’ve been able to put early roots on the beans, get good pod set and advanced maturity. We like to get our beans in the ground early and then get them off before the first frost.

Corn: Achieving Important Yield Increases 

We have definitely increased root mass and plant health, which were two of the main goals we were looking to achieve this season.

Soybeans: Increased Potash for POD Set and POD Fill 

At flowering we used HarvestPower with M-Power, and the beans really took off!” The combination of these products have been producing stronger roots, faster pod set and pod fill.