Soybean Yield

PowerAG has been testing micronutrient products on soybeans for many years.   With the recent expansion in research, we are testing across a wide range of soil types in multiple states to gather more relevant data for our growers. We are constantly looking at and evaluating new technologies to bring into our PowerAG line.   Below are products that we have found to yield consistent results. Products like AlphaPower MP, KwikPower, and HarvestPower MP are premium blends of nutrients, amino acids, and biologicals that continue to set a standard in performance across the industry.
Soybean Trial Summary Data
# Plot Reps # Years Data Sprayed @ V3 or R1 Check 1 pt/acre DynaMino 71.9 80.0 + 8.1 bu 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 11 4
Soybean Trial Summary Data
# Plot Reps # Years Data Sprayed @ R1 Check 1.5 qt/acre AlphaPower MP 67.4 73.6 + 6.2 bu 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 7 3
Soybean Trial Summary Data
# Plot Reps # Years Data Sprayed @ R1 Check 1.5 - 2 qt/acre HarvestPower MP 74.4 79.6 + 5.2 bu 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 11 6
Soybean Trial Summary Data
# Plot Reps # Years Data HarvestPower MP @ V3 followed by AlphaPower MP @ R1 Check 1.5 qt/acre HarvestPower MP 1.5 pt/acre AlphaPower MP 57.5 67.1 + 9.6 bu 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 2 1