Manganese Deficiency in Soybeans

Symptoms of Manganese Deficiency in Soybeans

Manganese is immobile in the plant, so its deficiency appears as reduced or stunted growth with interveinal chlorosis on younger leaves. Cereal grains can develop gray spots on their lower leaves, and legumes can develop necrotic areas on their cotyledons. Soybeans and potatoes commonly show interveinal chlorosis on the upper leaves while veins remain green. Leaves become pale-green first, then pale-yellow. Brown, dead areas appear as the deficiency becomes acute.

Soybean Manganese Deficiency.

Manganese Deficiency: Interveinal chlorosis while veins remain green

See Additional Deficiencies:

About Manganese

Manganese functions primarily as part of a plant’s enzyme system. It has a role in several metabolic reactions including the conversion of Nitrate Nitrogen to a form the plant can use. It plays a direct role in photosynthesis by aiding chlorophyll synthesis. Deficiencies often occur in high organic matter soils with neutral to alkaline pH and on those soils that are naturally low in Manganese.

Functions of Manganese

  • Necessary for the formation of sugars and starches
  • Aids in Nitrogen utilization and assimilation
  • Aids in chlorophyll synthesis

Manganese Deficiency is Made Worse By:

  • High pH
  • Organic conditions
  • Prolonged cold periods

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