What is Streamline Adjuvant and Does it Work?
The importance of maximizing efficiency, effectiveness and economics in agriculture is always driving us to be better at what we do. The Streamline product is a tool that can help you do all three.
Streamline is an adjuvant that allows you to improve the efficiency of the chemistry you apply, by reducing the amount of small droplets in your spray pattern, while greatly reducing the possibility of off-target drift, and delivering more spray to your intended target.
Streamline also increases effectiveness, by improving the performance of the nozzles you select. By increasing the consistency of the droplet size, Streamline helps you penetrate deeper into the crop canopy, providing better coverage of the crop or the weeds. Penetration and coverage are very important in targeting tough-to-control weeds or when you are applying fungicides and overlaying a protective layer on the leaf surface to prevent disease infection.
Streamline is a very cost-effective way to enable you to get the maximum return on your crop protection investment. Streamline reduces the amount of large droplets that may just bounce off the target during application. By increasing the amount of product that stays on the leaf, you improve overall product performance and ROI.
Growers and applicators often comment on how easy Streamline is to use. It is a low use rate product and mixes well with herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, and fertilizers. Weather patterns are not always favorable for application, and the use of Streamline may keep you going in less than ideal circumstances.
Today we farm in an era where everything is under scrutiny, in our communities and beyond. Finding better ways to be good stewards of the land, is always on our minds, and helps all of us in the ag community.
The use of a product like Streamline, can help you to manage your crop protection applications, by reducing drift, getting more of the product being applied on target, and improving levels of control.
Click here to see a video from Robert Santini, about the importance of Streamline in his growing farm operation.
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