Boron Deficiency in Cucurbits

Symptoms of Boron Deficiency in Cucurbits

Boron is immobile in the plant and deficiency symptoms appear as abnormal growth on the youngest leaves, and terminal growth becomes stunted and dies. The roots are often short and stubby. Unlike most nutrient deficiencies that typically exhibit symptoms uniformly across the crop, Boron symptoms can appear randomly within a crop.

Boron Deficiency in Cucurbits

Boron Deficiency: Mottled chlorosis on the leaves

See Additional Deficiencies:

About Boron

Boron is essential for growth and development of new cells for new growth in plants. Seed development, cell wall formation, nodule formation, flowering, and developing fruit all depend on adequate Boron. Organic matter is the most important soil source of Boron. Hot or cold dry weather can often slow decomposition at the soil surface, which reduces the release of Boron to crops. Coarse-textured soils are typically low in minerals that contain Boron and are susceptible to Boron leaching.

Functions of Boron

  • Pollen tube formation
  • Important for early growth
  • Necessary for cell division
  • Aids in Calcium translocation

Boron Deficiency is Made Worse By:

  • High Nitrogen or Calcium
  • High pH media
  • Alkaline conditions

Improve Your Crops’ Health & Yield

Get product advice from our agronomy experts to help turn your crop deficiencies around. Call 800.842.2578 or contact us to set up a consultation.